Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Processes & Outcomes III

Imitation Not Limitation
A leader usually does not have to re-invent the wheel as such, but must always be searching to learn and grow. One aspect of learning is imitation. Imitation, unfortunately can sometimes be viewed as a negative thing, but by imitating someone who is good at something, can enable a leader to learn at a quicker rate. Imitation takes humility and eagerness which are very inspiring attributes of a leader which people love to follow.
A leader that I respect as a great imitator is James Robbins. As a professional public speaker, James has spent a lot of time imitating other speakers, their mannerisms, their tone, their styles, which in turn helped him to develop his style. Seeing that James was eager to imitate and was very humble in his approach, enabled me and inspired me in so many ways. Not only would he imitate in his speaking but also in his leadership style. James would constantly search for leaders who were making a profound impact, then imitating their ways. It is very easy to learn from someone who leads like this. It gives me comfort, that I can imitate others who are good at things and eventually master them myself.


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